Source code for febid.start

Scripting template for running series of simulations
import os
import re

import numpy as np
import yaml
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import pyvista as pv

from febid.ui import ui_shell
import febid.simple_patterns as sp
from febid import febid_core
from febid.Structure import Structure

[docs]def start_ui(config_f=None): ui_shell.start(config_f)
[docs]def start_no_ui(config_f=None): if not config_f: config_f = input('Specify configuration file:') try: with open(config_f, mode='rb') as f: params = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except Exception as e: print('An error occurred while opening configuration file.') print(e.args) return # Creating a simulation volume structure = Structure() if params['structure_source'] == 'vtk': # opening from a .vtk file try: structure.load_from_vtk(['vtk_filename'])) except Exception as e: print(f'Failed to open vtk.file: {e.args}') return cell_dimension = structure.cell_dimension substrate_height = structure.substrate_height if params['structure_source'] == 'geom': # creating from geometry parameters try: cell_dimension = int(params['cell_size']) xdim = int(float(params['width'])) // cell_dimension # array length ydim = int(float(params['length'])) // cell_dimension # array length zdim = int(float(params['height'])) // cell_dimension # array length substrate_height = int(float(params['substrate_height'])) // cell_dimension # array length structure.create_from_parameters(cell_dimension, xdim, ydim, zdim, substrate_height) except Exception as e: print('An error occurred while fetching geometry parameters for the simulation volume. \n ' 'Check values and try again.') print(e.args) return if params['structure_source'] == 'auto': # defining it later based on a stream-file cell_dimension = int(params['cell_size']) substrate_height = int(float(params['substrate_height'])) // cell_dimension # array length # Defining printing path dwell_time_units = 1E-6 # input units are in microseconds, internally seconds are used printing_path = None if params['pattern_source'] == 'simple': # creating printing path based on the figure and parameters try: pattern = params['pattern'] p1 = float(params['param1']) # nm p2 = float(params['param1']) if pattern in ['Point', 'Rectangle', 'Square'] else 0 # nm dwell_time = float(params['dwell_time']) * dwell_time_units # s pitch = float(params['pitch']) # nm repeats = int(float(params['repeats'])) x = structure.shape[2] // 2 * cell_dimension # nm y = structure.shape[1] // 2 * cell_dimension # nm if pattern == 'Point': x, y = p1, p2 printing_path = sp.generate_pattern(pattern, repeats, dwell_time, x, y, (p1, p2), pitch) except Exception as e: print('Error occurred while creating a printing path. \n Check values and try again.') print(e.args) return if params['pattern_source'] == 'stream_file': # importing printing path from stream_file try: hfw = params['hfw'] printing_path, shape = sp.open_stream_file(params['stream_file_filename'], hfw, collapse=True) except Exception as e: print(f'Failed to open stream-file: {e.args}') return if params['structure_source'] == 'auto': shape = shape[::-1] // cell_dimension structure.create_from_parameters(cell_dimension, *shape, substrate_height) # Opening beam and precursor files try: with open(params['settings_filename'], mode='rb') as f: settings = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) factor = settings.get('deposition_scaling', 1) if factor: printing_path[:, 2] /= factor except Exception as e: print(f'An error occurred while opening a settings file') print(e.args) return try: with open(params['precursor_filename'], mode='rb') as f: precursor_params = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except Exception as e: print(f'An error occurred while opening a stream-file') print(e.args) return sim_volume_params = { 'width': structure.shape[2], 'length': structure.shape[1], 'height': structure.shape[0], 'cell_dimension': cell_dimension, 'substrate_height': substrate_height} # array length # Collecting parameters of file saving saving_params = {'monitoring': None, 'snapshot': None, 'filename': None} flag1, flag2 = params['save_simulation_data'], params['save_structure_snapshot'] if flag1: saving_params['monitoring'] = float(params['simulation_data_interval']) if flag2: saving_params['snapshot'] = float(params['structure_snapshot_interval']) if flag1 or flag2: saving_params['filename'] = os.path.join(params['save_directory'], params['unique_name']) try: os.makedirs(saving_params['filename']) except FileExistsError as e: pass saving_params['filename'] = os.path.join(saving_params['filename'], params['unique_name']) temperature_tracking = params.get('temperature_tracking', False) rendering = {'show_process': params['show_process'], 'frame_rate': 0.5} # Starting the process process_obj, sim = febid_core.run_febid_interface(structure, precursor_params, settings, sim_volume_params, printing_path, temperature_tracking, saving_params, rendering) return process_obj, sim
[docs]def start_default(config_f=None): start_ui(config_f)
# start_no_ui(config_f)
[docs]def extr_number(text): r = re.split('(\d+)', text) return [atoi(c) for c in r]
[docs]def atoi(text): a = int(text) if text.isdigit() else text return a
[docs]def write_param(file, param_name, val): """ Write a value to a parameter in a configuration file. :param file: path to configuration file :param param_name: name of the parameter :param val: value to write :return: """ yml = YAML() with open(file, 'r+b') as f: params = yml.load(f) try: a = params[param_name] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f'Failed to overwrite parameter. The parameter not present in the file!') params[param_name] = val with open(file, mode='wb') as f: yml.dump(params, f)
[docs]def read_param(file, param_name): """ Read a parameter value from a configuration file. :param file: path to configuration file :param param_name: name of the parameter :return: value of the parameter """ yml = YAML() with open(file, 'r+b') as f: params = yml.load(f) try: return params[param_name] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f'Failed to read parameter. The parameter not present in the file!')
[docs]def scan_stream_files(session_file, directory): """ Launch a series of simulations using multiple patterning files The files are named after the patterning file :param session_file: YAML file with session configuration :param directory: folder with stream files :return: """ files_orig = os.listdir(directory) files_orig.sort(key=extr_number, reverse=True) files = [os.path.join(directory, f) for f in files_orig] init_stream = read_param(session_file, 'stream_file_filename') init_name = read_param(session_file, 'unique_name') for stream_file, name in zip(files, files_orig): write_param(session_file, 'stream_file_filename', stream_file) write_param(session_file, 'unique_name', name) start_no_ui(session_file) write_param(session_file, 'stream_file_filename', init_stream) write_param(session_file, 'unique_name', init_name) print(f'Successfully finished {len(files)} simulations with all {len(files_orig)} pattering files in {directory}')
[docs]def scan_settings(session_file, param_name, scan, base_name=''): """ Launch a series of simulations by changing a single parameter :param session_file: YAML file with session configuration :param param_name: the name of the parameter, refer to settings and precursor parameters :param scan: a collection of values to use in consequent runs :param base_name: a common name for simulation files :return: """ yml = YAML() # Looking for the parameter in settings and precursor parameters settings_file = read_param(session_file, 'settings_filename') precursor_params_file = read_param(session_file, 'precursor_filename') with open(settings_file, 'r+b') as s: settings: dict = yml.load(s) settings_keys = settings.keys() with open(precursor_params_file, 'r+b') as p: precursor_params = yml.load(p) precursor_keys = precursor_params.keys() if param_name in settings_keys: file = settings_file elif param_name in precursor_keys: file = precursor_params_file else: raise RuntimeError(f'Parameter {param_name} not found!') # Scanning initial_val = read_param(file, param_name) vals = np.asarray(scan) for i, val in enumerate(vals): write_param(file, param_name, val) name = base_name + '_' + param_name + '_' + 'scan' + '_' + f'{i:0>3d}' write_param(session_file, 'unique_name', name) start_no_ui(session_file) # Restoring initial state write_param(file, param_name, initial_val) print( f'Successfully finished {vals.shape[0]} simulations, scanning \'{param_name}\' from {vals.amin()} to {vals.max()}')
if __name__ == '__main__': # Here is an example of how to set up a several series of simulations, that change # various parameters for consequent runs for autonomous simulation execution. # It is advised to refrain from setting structure snapshot saving frequency below 0.01 s. # .vtk-files take up from 5 to 400 MB depending on structure size and resolution # and will very quickly occupy dozens of GB of space. # Initially, a session configuration file has to be specified. # This file, along settings and precursor parameters files specified in it, is to be modified # and then used to run a simulation. This routine is repeated until the desired parameter # has taken a given number of values. # The routine only changes a single parameter. All other parameters have to be preset forehand. session_file = '/home/kuprava/simulations/last_session.yml' # The first parameter change or scan modifies the Gaussian deviation parameter of the beam. # The file that will be modified in this case is the settings file. # Set up a folder (it will be created automatically) for simulation save files directory = '/home/kuprava/simulations/gauss_dev_scan/' write_param(session_file, 'save_directory', directory) # Specify parameter name param = 'gauss_dev' # Specify values that the parameter will take during consequent simulations vals = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] # Launch the scan scan_settings(session_file, param, vals, 'hs') # Files that are saved during the simulation are named after the specified common name (here i.e. 'hs') # and the parameter name. # The second parameter scan modifies the thermal conductivity of the deposit. # The routine is the same as in the example above, although the file that will be # modified is the precursor parameters file. directory = '/home/kuprava/simulations/gauss_dev_scan/' write_param(session_file, 'save_directory', directory) param = 'thermal_conductivity' vals = np.arange(2e-10, 11e-10, 2e-10) # [2e-10, 4e-10, 6e-10, 8e-10, 10e-10] scan_settings(session_file, param, vals, 'hs') directory = '/home/kuprava/simulations/ads.act.energy_scan/' write_param(session_file, 'save_directory', directory) param = 'desorption_activation_energy' vals = [0.67, 0.64, 0.61, 0.58, 0.55, 0.52, 0.49] scan_settings(session_file, param, vals, 'hs') # The third series runs simulations using several patterning files. # Again, specify a desired location for simulation save files directory = '/home/kuprava/simulations/longs/' # Optionally, an initial structure can be specified. This will 'continue' deposition # onto a structure obtained in one of the earlier simulations. # It can be used i.e. when all planned structures share a same initial feature such as a pillar. # Keep in mind that it can be used only for patterning files with the same patterning area. # To that, the patterning area must correspond to one that is defined by the simulation for the current # pattern including margins. initial_structure = '/home/kuprava/simulations/hockey_stick_therm_050_5_01_15:12:31.vtk' write_param(session_file, 'structure_source', 'vtk') write_param(session_file, 'vtk_filename', initial_structure) write_param(session_file, 'save_directory', directory) # Specifying a folder with patterning files stream_files = '/home/kuprava/simulations/steam_files_long_s' # Launching the series scan_stream_files(session_file, stream_files)