Source code for febid.monte_carlo.etrajmap3d

Electron-matter interaction simulator

import copy
import inspect
import random as rnd
import timeit

import numexpr_mod as ne
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng

from febid.libraries.ray_traversal import traversal
from febid.monte_carlo.mc_base import MC_Sim_Base

[docs]def process_trajectories(points, energies, mask): """ Convert raw trajectories into a collection of segments :param points: consequent scattering points :param energies: remaining energy at each point :param mask: marks segments that lie outside of solid :return: an array of start- and end-points of segments, energy loss at segment """ # Trajectories are divided into segments represented by a pair of points # Then mask is applied, selecting only segments that traverse solid # This reduces the unnecessary analysis of trajectory segments that lie in void(geometry features or backscattered electrons) try: mask = mask.astype(bool) pnp = points dE = energies except AttributeError: mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool) pnp = np.array(points[0:len(points)]) # to get easy access to x, y, z coordinates of points dE = np.asarray(energies) pairs = np.empty((pnp.shape[0]-1, 2, 3)) pairs[:,0,:] = pnp[:-1] pairs[:,1,:] = pnp[1:] pairs = pairs[mask] # Workaround against duplicate points p0 = pairs[:,0,:] pn = pairs[:,1,:] pn[pn==p0] += rnd.choice((0.000001, -0.000001)) # protection against duplicate coordinates # p0, pn = pnp[:-1], pnp[1:] # pairs = np.stack((p0,pn)) # TODO: Thrown 'axis don't match array' exception : # pairs = np.transpose(pairs, axes=(1,0,2))[mask.nonzero()] # np.delete(pairs, (mask==0), axis=0) # result = pairs[mask.nonzero()] dE[:-1] -= dE[1:] dE = dE[:-1] # last element is discarded dE = dE[mask]*1000 return pairs, dE
[docs]class ETrajMap3d(MC_Sim_Base): """ Implements energy deposition and surface secondary electron flux calculation. """ def __init__(self): """ Create an empty ETrajMap3d instance """ self.DE = None # array for storing of deposited energies self.flux = None # array for storing SE fluxes self.amplifying_factor = 1 # artificially increases SE yield to preserve accuracy # self.e = e # fitting parameter related to energy required to initiate a SE cascade, material specific, eV # self.lambda_escape = lambda_escape # mean free escape path, material specific, nm self.trajectories = [] # holds all trajectories mapped to 3d structure self.se_traj = [] # holds all trajectories mapped to 3d structure self.se_coords_all = None # array coordinates of all the SE sources self.se_coords_included = None # array of coordinates of SEs that are close to the surface self.wasted_se = None # SEs that did not escape the surface, used for Joule heating self.heat_pe = None # Energy deposiuted by the PEs that is converted to heat self.heat = None # total heating from the inelastic energy self.segment_min_length = 1
[docs] def setParametrs(self, structure, params, segment_min_length=0.3): """ Initialise the instance and set all the necessary parameters :param structure: solid structure representation :param params: contains all input parameters for the simulation :param segment_min_length: segment subdivision length """ self.grid = structure.deposit self.surface = structure.surface_bool self.s_neighb = structure.surface_neighbors_bool # 3D array representing surface n-nearest neigbors self.cell_dim = structure.cell_dimension # absolute dimension of a cell, nm self.DE = np.zeros_like(self.grid) # array for storing of deposited energies self.flux = np.zeros_like(self.grid) # array for storing SE fluxes self.amplifying_factor = 10000 # artificially increases SE yield to preserve accuracy self.se_E = 19 # eV, average SE energy self.emission_fraction = params['emission_fraction'] # fraction of total lost energy spent on secondary electron emission self.deponat = params['deponat'] # deposit material properties self.substrate = params['substrate'] # substrate material properties self.se_traj = [] # holds all trajectories mapped to 3d structure self.segment_min_length = segment_min_length
def __arr_min(self, x): if x[0] >= x[1]: if x[1] >= x[2]: return x[2], 2 else: return x[1], 1 else: if x[0] >= x[2]: return x[2], 2 else: return x[0], 0
[docs] def traverse_cells(self, p0, pn, direction, t, step_t): """ AABB Ray-Voxel traversal algorithm. Gets coordinates, where ray crosses voxel walls :param p0: ray origin :param pn: ray endpoint :param direction: direction of the ray :param t: first t-value :param step_t: step of the t-value :return: """ crossings = [p0] # first point is always ray origin while True: # iterating until the end of the ray next_t, ind = self.__arr_min(t) # minimal t-value corresponds to the box wall crossed; 2x faster than t.min() !! if next_t > 1: # finish if trajectory ends inside a cell (t>1) crossings.append(pn) break crossing_point = p0 + next_t * direction # actual crossing point # if crossing_point[0] >= self.zdim_abs or crossing_point[1] >= self.ydim_abs or crossing_point[2] >= self.xdim_abs: # 5x faster than ().any() !!!!! # break t[ind] += step_t[ind] # going to the next wall; 7x faster than with (t==next_t) crossings.append(crossing_point) # saving crossing point return crossings
[docs] def follow_segment(self, points, dEs): """ Calculate total energy deposited by primary electrons per cell. :param points: array of (z, y, x) points representing a trajectory from MC simulation :param dEs: list of energies losses between consecutive points. dEs[0] corresponds to a loss between p[0] and p[1] :return: """ # Cell traversal algorithm taken from # Electron trajectory segments are treated as rays # Algorithm is vectorized, thus following calculations are done for all segments in a trajectory p0, pn = points[:, 0], points[:, 1] # ray origin and end direction = points[:, 1, :] - points[:, 0, :] # vector of a ray # L = np.linalg.norm(direction, axis=1) # length of a rays L = np.empty_like(dEs) traversal.det_2d(direction, L) des = dEs/L sign = np.int8(np.sign(direction)) step = sign * self.cell_dim # distance traveled by a ray along each axis in the ray direction, when crossing a cell # step_t = step / direction # iteration step of the t-values step_t = None # Catching 'Division by zero' error try: with np.errstate(divide='raise', invalid='raise'): step_t = step / direction # iteration step of the t-values except Exception as e: print(e.args) zeros = np.nonzero(direction==0)[0] for i in range(len(zeros)): print(f'p0: {p0[zeros[i]]}, pn: {pn[zeros[i]]}, direction: {direction[zeros[i]]}, L: {L[zeros[i]]}') step_t = step / direction delta = -(points[:, 0] % self.cell_dim) # positions of the ray origin relative to its enclosing cell position t = np.abs((delta + (step == self.cell_dim) * self.cell_dim + (delta == 0) * step) / direction) # initial t-value max_traversed_cells = int(L.max()/self.cell_dim*2)+10 # maximum number of cells traversed by a segment in the trajectory; # this is essential to allocate enough memory for the traversal algorithm self.DE = np.zeros_like(self.grid) traversal.traverse_segment(self.DE, self.grid, self.cell_dim, p0, pn, direction, t, step_t, des, max_traversed_cells)
[docs] def prep_se_emission(self, points, dEs, ends): """ Subdivide trajectory segments and energy losses :param points: segment start- and end-points :param dEs: energy loss :param ends: trajectory end positions, check comments :return: """ # Segments are divided into even parts, that become SE emission centers. # It has been observed, that segments are often smaller than the cell (~0.5nm average) # Thus, firstly, short segments are separated from longer ones and are left untouched. # Long segments are divided into even parts based on the 'segment_min_length' attribute of the ETrajMap3d class # All SE segments or 'vectors' are collected in a single array # NOTE: because SE 'vectors' are 'emitted' from the first point of the segment, the last point # at the exit point has no emitted SE. This may significantly reduce SE surface yield at the exit points # in grids with bigger cell size. # A one additional emitted SE vector is added at the end of each trajectory in order to mitigate the problem. # It is assigned the vector and energy of the last vector in the list. # While major PEs do not re-enter solid on a simple structure, they might re-enter in more complex structures, # that are not effectively taken into account. energies_all = [] coords_all = [] L = np.empty(dEs.shape, dtype=np.float64) traversal.det_2d(points[:, 1, :] - points[:, 0, :], L) # Collecting short segments that have energy loss short = (L <= self.segment_min_length).nonzero()[0] if short.shape[0]>0: coords_all.append(points[short,0].reshape(short.shape[0], 3)) energies_all.append(dEs[short]) # Collecting long segments long = (L > self.segment_min_length).nonzero()[0] if long.shape[0]>0: coords_long = np.take(points, long, axis=0) vector = coords_long[:, 1, :] - coords_long[:, 0, :] # BUG: np.ceil refuses to cast to integer even with 'casting=unsafe' num = np.intc(np.ceil(L[long] / self.segment_min_length)) # np.ceil r # delta = vector / np.broadcast_to(num, (3, num.shape[0])).T delta = vector/num.reshape(num.shape[0],1) N = num.sum(dtype=int) pieces = np.empty((N, 3)) energies = np.empty(N) traversal.divide_segments(dEs[long], coords_long[:,0], num, delta, pieces, energies) # Cython script if pieces.min() < 0: print(f'Encountered negative values in coordinates in prep_se_emission') print(f'Num: {num}, delta: {delta}, ') err_index = (pieces<0).nonzero()[0] print(f'Pieces:') print(*pieces[err_index], sep='\n\t') print('Energies:') print(*energies[err_index], sep='\n\t') print(f'Segments\' energies: {dEs[long]}') print(f'Segments\' coordinates: {coords_long[:,0]}') pieces[err_index] = np.fabs(pieces[err_index]) frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back sim = frame.f_locals['sim'] import os directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filename = os.path.join(directory, '../passes_last.txt') sim.save_passes(filename, 'text') coords_all.append(pieces) energies_all.append(energies) coords_all.append(points[points.shape[0]-1,1].reshape(1,3)) l = len(energies_all)-1 energies_all.append(energies_all[l][energies_all[l].shape[0]-1].reshape(1)) traj_ends = points[ends, 1,:] energies_ens = self.segment_min_length / L[ends] * dEs[ends] coords_all.append(traj_ends) energies_all.append(energies_ens) # Combining all the collected segments into one array coords_all = np.concatenate((coords_all), axis=0) if coords_all.min() < 0: print(f'Encountered negative values in coordinates in prep_se_emission') print(f'') energies_all = np.concatenate((energies_all), axis=0) self.dEs_all = energies_all self.coords_all = coords_all
[docs] def generate_se(self): """ Estimate surface secondary electron flux. :return: """ # Generate a random vector for every coordinate, calculate SE source power (n) per each vector # and collect them when they cross surface # Getting cell index for each emission point self.se_coords_all = coords_all = np.int32(ne.evaluate('a/b', global_dict={'a': self.coords_all.T, 'b': self.cell_dim})) # Selecting only cells in surface proximity neighbors = self.s_neighb self.se_coords_included = include = neighbors[coords_all[0], coords_all[1], coords_all[2]] in_index = include.nonzero()[0] coords = self.coords_all[in_index] dEs = self.dEs_all[in_index] # Generating random direction for each emission point rng = np.random.default_rng() direction = rng.normal(0, 10, (dEs.shape[0], 3)) # creates spherically randomly distributed vectors L = np.empty_like(dEs) traversal.det_2d(direction, L) direction /= L.reshape(L.shape[0],1) # normalizing # Preparing from ray tracing algorithm sign = np.int8(np.sign(direction)) sign[sign==-1] = 0 sign[sign==1] = -1 delta = ne.evaluate('-(a%b)', global_dict={'a':coords, 'b':5}) sign = (delta==0) * sign coords_ind = coords_all[:, in_index] cell_material = self.grid[coords_ind[0], coords_ind[1], coords_ind[2]] e = np.empty_like(cell_material) e[cell_material==-1] = self.deponat.e e[cell_material==-2] = self.substrate.e e[cell_material>=0] = 1000000 lambda_escape = np.where(cell_material == -1, self.deponat.lambda_escape * 2, 0.00001) + np.where(cell_material == -2, self.substrate.lambda_escape * 2, 0.00001) n_se = dEs / e * self.amplifying_factor # number of generated SEs, usually ~0.1 length = lambda_escape # explicitly says that every vector has same length that equals SE escape path direction[:,0] *= length direction[:,1] *= length direction[:,2] *= length pn = direction + coords step = np.sign(direction) * self.cell_dim step_t = step / direction t = ne.evaluate('abs((d + m0s + d0 * s)/dir)', global_dict={'d':delta, 'm0s':np.maximum(step,0), 'd0':delta==0, 's':step, 'dir':direction}) max_traversed_cells = int(np.amax(length, initial=0)/self.cell_dim*2+5) # Here each vector is processed with the same ray traversal algorithm as in 'follow_segment' method. # It checks if vectors cross surface cells and if they do, the number of emitted SEs (n) associated # with the vector is collected in the cell crossed. traversal.generate_flux(self.flux, self.surface.view(dtype=np.uint8), self.cell_dim, coords, pn, direction, sign, t, step_t, n_se, max_traversed_cells) # Cython script self.coords = np.empty((coords.shape[0], 2, 3)) self.coords[:,0] = coords[...] self.coords[:,1] = pn[...]
[docs] def extract_se_heat(self): """ Calculate energy loss by scattered secondary electrons per cell. :return: """ # Collecting SEs that did not escape the surface exclude = self.se_coords_included exclude_index = exclude.nonzero()[0] coords_ind = self.se_coords_all[:, exclude_index] index = (coords_ind[0], coords_ind[1], coords_ind[2]) # Defining material properties at the emission point cell_material = self.grid[coords_ind[0], coords_ind[1], coords_ind[2]] e = np.empty_like(cell_material) e[cell_material == -1] = self.deponat.e e[cell_material == -2] = self.substrate.e e[cell_material >= 0] = 1e6 # Number of emitted SEs per point (source power) n_se = self.dEs_all[exclude_index] / e self.wasted_se = np.zeros_like(self.DE) # Deposited energy per emission point wasted_se_flat = self.se_E * n_se # Accumulating deposited energy in cells, index, wasted_se_flat) self.wasted_se[self.grid >= 0] = 0
[docs] def joule_heating(self): """ Get total energy loss from primary and secondary electrons peel """ self.extract_se_heat() self.heat_pe = self.DE * (1 - self.emission_fraction) self.heat = self.heat_pe + self.wasted_se
[docs] def map_follow(self, passes, heating=False): """ Get surface secondary electron flux and volumetric heat source distribution from primary electron trajectories. :param passes: a collection of trajectories :param heating: True will calculate collective heat effect from PEs and SEs :return: """ # Segments in all the trajectories deposit energy and emit SEs independently. # Thus, their interconnection and relation to a certain trajectory does not have to be preserved. # This fact is used to collect all segments and energy losses in single arrays # and to vectorize operations on them. # Masks that are passed along with trajectories play an important role by # letting efficiently sieve out segments that did not have energy loss (i.e those traversing void) # Zeros in energy array cause errors as energy is divisor in numerous parts of the algorithm. points = [] # coordinate pairs (segments) are first collected here dEs = [] # same for energies traj_lengths = [] traj_len = 0 print(f'*Preparing trajectories...', end='') start = timeit.default_timer() passes = copy.deepcopy(passes) for one_pass in passes: if len(one_pass[1][:]) < 3: continue pairs, energies = process_trajectories(one_pass[0][1:], one_pass[1][1:], one_pass[2][1:]) if pairs.shape[0]: points.append(pairs) dEs.append(energies) traj_len += pairs.shape[0] traj_lengths.append(traj_len) traj_lengths = np.asarray(traj_lengths) segments_all = np.concatenate(points, axis=0) dEs_all = np.concatenate(dEs, axis=0) print(f'finished. \t {timeit.default_timer() - start}') print(f'**Running \'divide_segments\'....', end='') start = timeit.default_timer() self.prep_se_emission(segments_all, dEs_all, traj_lengths-1) print(f'finished. \t {timeit.default_timer() - start}') self.flux = np.zeros_like(self.grid) print(f'***Running \'generate_flux\'...', end='') start = timeit.default_timer() self.generate_se() print(f'finished. \t {timeit.default_timer() - start}') if heating: print(f'****Running \'traverse_segment\'...', end='') start = timeit.default_timer() self.follow_segment(segments_all, dEs_all) print(f'finished. \t {timeit.default_timer() - start}') print(f'*****Running \'joule_heating\'...', end='') start = timeit.default_timer() self.joule_heating() print(f'finished. \t {timeit.default_timer() - start}') a=0 return self.flux, self.heat, self.dEs_all # has to be returned, as every process (when using multiprocessing) gets its own copy of the whole class and thus does not write to the original