Source code for febid.febid_core

#  FEBID Simulation
#  Version 0.9
# Default packages
import datetime
import math
import sys
import time
import warnings
import timeit
from threading import Thread
from tkinter import filedialog as fd

# Core packages
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

# Auxiliary packages
import yaml
from tqdm import tqdm

from febid.Statistics import Statistics
# Local packages
from febid.Structure import Structure
from febid.Process import Process
from febid.libraries.vtk_rendering import VTK_Rendering as vr
from febid.monte_carlo.etraj3d import MC_Simulation

# It is assumed, that surface cell is a cell with a fully deposited cell(or substrate) under it and thus able produce deposit under irradiation.

# Semi-surface cells are cells that have precursor density but do not have a neighboring deposit cell
# Thus concept serves an alternative diffusion channel

flag = False
x_pos, y_pos = 0., 0.

[docs]def initialize_framework(from_file=False, precursor=None, settings=None, sim_params=None, vtk_file=None, geom_params=None): """ Open simulation configuration files and prepare data framework :param from_file: True to load structure from vtk file :param precursor: path to a file with precursor properties :param settings: path to a file with beam parameters and settings :param sim_params: path to a file with simulation volume parameters :param vtk_file: if from_file is True, path to a vtk file to get structure from :param geom_params: a list of predetermined simulation volume parameters :return: """ print(f'Select three files: precursor parameters, beam parameters and either a predefined structure(.vtk) or a parameters file for the creation:') # precursor = None # settings = None # sim_params = None try: if precursor is None: precursor = yaml.load(open(fd.askopenfilename(), 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader) # Precursor and substrate properties(substrate here is the top layer) else: precursor = yaml.load(open(precursor, 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader) if settings is None: settings = yaml.load(open(fd.askopenfilename(), 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader) # Parameters of the beam, dwell time and precursor flux else: settings = yaml.load(open(settings, 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader) if not from_file: if sim_params is None and geom_params is None: sim_params = yaml.load(open(fd.askopenfilename(), 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader) # Size of the chamber, cell size and time step elif geom_params is not None: sim_params = dict() sim_params['width'] = geom_params[0] sim_params['length'] = geom_params[1] sim_params['height'] = geom_params[2] sim_params['cell_dimension'] = geom_params[4] sim_params['substrate_height'] = geom_params[3] else: sim_params = yaml.load(open(sim_params, 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader) # precursor = yaml.load(open(f'{sys.path[0]}{os.sep}Me3PtCpMe.yml', 'r'), Loader=yaml.Loader) # settings = yaml.load(open(f'{sys.path[0]}{os.sep}Parameters.yml', 'r'),Loader=yaml.Loader) # sim_params = yaml.load(open(f'{sys.path[0]}{os.sep}Simulation.yml', 'r'),Loader=yaml.Loader) except Exception as e: print(e.args) sys.exit('An error occurred while reading one of the parameter files') structure = Structure() vtk_obj = None if from_file: try: if vtk_file is None: print(f'Specify .vtk structure file:') vtk_file = fd.askopenfilename() vtk_obj = if not vtk_obj: raise RuntimeError except Exception as e: print(e.args) sys.exit("An error occurred while reading the VTK file") structure.load_from_vtk(vtk_obj=vtk_obj) sim_params = dict() sim_params['width'] = structure.shape[2] * structure.cell_dimension sim_params['length'] = structure.shape[1] * structure.cell_dimension sim_params['height'] = structure.shape[0] * structure.cell_dimension sim_params['cell_dimension'] = structure.cell_dimension sim_params['substrate_height'] = structure.substrate_height * structure.cell_dimension else: try: structure.create_from_parameters(sim_params['cell_dimension'], sim_params['width'], sim_params['length'], sim_params['height'], sim_params['substrate_height']) except: sys.exit("An error occurred while reading initial geometry parameters file") return structure, precursor, settings, sim_params
[docs]def buffer_constants(precursor: dict, settings: dict, cell_dimension: int): """ Calculate necessary constants and prepare parameters for modules :param precursor: precursor properties :param settings: simulation conditions :param cell_dimension: side length of a square cell, nm :return: """ elementary_charge = 1.60217662e-19 # td = settings["dwell_time"] # dwell time of a beam, s Ie = settings["beam_current"] # beam current, A beam_FWHM = 2.36 * settings["gauss_dev"] # electron beam diameter, nm F = settings[ "precursor_flux"] # precursor flux at the surface, 1/(nm^2*s) here assumed a constant, but may be dependent on time and position effective_diameter = beam_FWHM * 3.3 # radius of an area which gets 99% of the electron beam f = Ie / elementary_charge / ( math.pi * beam_FWHM * beam_FWHM / 4) # electron flux at the surface, 1/(nm^2*s) e = precursor["SE_emission_activation_energy"] l = precursor["SE_mean_free_path"] # Precursor properties sigma = precursor[ "cross_section"] # dissociation cross section, nm^2; is averaged from cross sections of all electron types (PE,BSE, SE1, SE2) n0 = precursor["max_density"] # inversed molecule size, Me3PtCpMe, 1/nm^2 molar = precursor["molar_mass_precursor"] # molar mass of the precursor Me3Pt(IV)CpMe, g/mole # density = 1.5E-20 # density of the precursor Me3Pt(IV)CpMe, g/nm^3 V = precursor["dissociated_volume"] # atomic volume of the deposited atom (Pt), nm^3 D = precursor["diffusion_coefficient"] # diffusion coefficient, nm^2/s tau = precursor["residence_time"] * 1E-6 # average residence time, s; may be dependent on temperature kd = F / n0 + 1 / tau + sigma * f # depletion rate kr = F / n0 + 1 / tau # replenishment rate nr = F / kr # absolute density after long time nd = F / kd # depleted absolute density t_out = 1 / (1 / tau + F / n0) # effective residence time p_out = 2 * math.sqrt(D * t_out) / beam_FWHM # Initializing framework t_flux = 1 / (sigma + f) # dissociation event time diffusion_dt = math.pow(cell_dimension * cell_dimension, 2) / (2 * D * ( cell_dimension * cell_dimension + cell_dimension * cell_dimension)) # maximum stability dt = np.min([t_flux, diffusion_dt, tau]) # Parameters for Monte-Carlo simulation mc_config = {'name': precursor["deposit"], 'E0': settings["beam_energy"], 'Emin': settings["minimum_energy"], 'Z': precursor["average_element_number"], 'A': precursor["average_element_mol_mass"], 'rho': precursor["average_density"], 'I0': settings["beam_current"], 'sigma': settings["gauss_dev"], 'n': settings['n'], 'N': Ie, 'substrate_element': settings["substrate_element"], 'cell_dim': cell_dimension, 'e': precursor["SE_emission_activation_energy"], 'l': precursor["SE_mean_free_path"], 'emission_fraction': settings['emission_fraction']} # Parameters for reaction-equation solver equation_values = {'F': settings["precursor_flux"], 'n0': precursor["max_density"], 'sigma': precursor["cross_section"], 'tau': precursor["residence_time"] * 1E-6, 'Ea': precursor['desorption_activation_energy'], 'k0': precursor['desorption_attempt_frequency'], 'V': precursor["dissociated_volume"], 'D': precursor["diffusion_coefficient"], 'Ed': precursor['diffusion_activation_energy'], 'D0': precursor['diffusion_prefactor'], 'rho': precursor['average_density'], 'heat_cond': precursor['thermal_conductivity'], 'cp': precursor['heat_capacity'], 'dt': dt, 'deposition_scaling': settings['deposition_scaling']} # Stability time steps timings = {'t_diff': diffusion_dt, 't_flux': t_flux, 't_desorption': tau, 'dt': dt} # effective_radius_relative = math.floor(effective_diameter / cell_dimension / 2) return mc_config, equation_values, timings, nr
[docs]def run_febid_interface(structure, precursor_params, settings, sim_params, path, temperature_tracking, saving_params, rendering): if saving_params['monitoring']: dump_stats = True stats_rate = saving_params['monitoring'] else: dump_stats = False stats_rate = sys.maxsize if saving_params['snapshot']: dump_vtk = True dump_rate = saving_params['snapshot'] else: dump_vtk = False dump_rate = sys.maxsize kwargs = dict(location=saving_params['filename'], stats_rate=stats_rate, dump_rate=dump_rate, render=rendering['show_process'], frame_rate=rendering['frame_rate'], refresh_rate=1e-5) process_obj, sim = run_febid(structure, precursor_params, settings, sim_params, path, temperature_tracking, dump_stats, kwargs) return process_obj, sim
[docs]def run_febid(structure, precursor_params, settings, sim_params, path, temperature_tracking, gather_stats=False, monitor_kwargs=None): """ Create necessary objects and start the FEBID process. :param structure: structure object :param precursor_params: precursor properties :param settings: beam and precursor flux settings :param sim_params: simulation volume properties :param path: printing path :param gather_stats: True enables statistics gathering :param monitor_kwargs: settings for the monitoring function :return: """ mc_config, equation_values, timings, nr = buffer_constants(precursor_params, settings, sim_params['cell_dimension']) stats = None if gather_stats: stats = Statistics(monitor_kwargs['location']) stats.get_params(precursor_params, 'Precursor parameters') stats.get_params(settings, 'Beam parameters and settings') stats.get_params(sim_params, 'Simulation volume parameters') process_obj = Process(structure, equation_values, timings, temp_tracking=temperature_tracking) process_obj.stats_freq = min(monitor_kwargs['stats_rate'], monitor_kwargs['dump_rate'], monitor_kwargs['refresh_rate']) sim = MC_Simulation(structure, mc_config) process_obj.max_neib = math.ceil(np.max([sim.deponat.lambda_escape, sim.substrate.lambda_escape])/process_obj.cell_dimension) process_obj.structure.define_surface_neighbors(process_obj.max_neib) total_iters = int(np.sum(path[:, 2]) / process_obj.dt) # Actual simulation runs in a second Thread, because visualization of the process # via Pyvista works only from the main Thread printing = Thread(target=print_all, args=[path, process_obj, sim]) printing.start() monitoring(process_obj, stats, **monitor_kwargs) printing.join() print('Finished path.') return process_obj, sim
[docs]def monitoring(pr: Process, stats: Statistics = None, location=None, stats_rate=60, dump_rate=60, render=False, frame_rate=1, refresh_rate=0.5, displayed_data='precursor'): """ A daemon process function to manage statistics gathering and graphics update. :param pr: object of the core deposition process :param stats: object for gathering monitoring data :param location: file saving directory :param stats_rate: statistics recording interval in seconds, None disables statistics recording :param dump_rate: dumping interval in seconds, None disables structure dumping :param render: True will enable graphical monitoring of the process :param frame_rate: redrawing delay :param refresh_rate: sleep time :return: """ global flag # This flag variable is used for the communication between current and the process thread. # When deposition process thread finishes, it sets flag to False which will finish current thread time_step = 60 pr.start_time = dump_time = stats_time = 0 time_spent = start_time = frame = timeit.default_timer() # Initializing graphical monitoring rn = None if render: rn = vr.Render(pr.structure.cell_dimension) pr.redraw = True else: frame = sys.maxsize # current time is always less than infinity if not stats_rate or stats_rate == sys.maxsize: stats_time = sys.maxsize stats_rate = sys.maxsize else: stats_rate = 1e-1 * stats_rate if not dump_rate or dump_rate == sys.maxsize: dump_time = sys.maxsize dump_rate = sys.maxsize else: dump_rate = 1e-1 * dump_rate # Event loop while not flag: now = timeit.default_timer() if now > time_spent: # overall time and speed time_spent += time_step # print(f'Time passed: {time_spent}, Av.speed: {l / time_spent}') if now > frame: # graphical frame += frame_rate redrawed = update_graphical(rn, pr, now - start_time, displayed_data) if pr.t > stats_time: stats_time += stats_rate stats.append(pr.t, pr.min_precursor_covearge, pr.dep_vol, pr.max_T,) stats.save_to_file() if pr.t > dump_time: dump_time += dump_rate dump_structure(pr.structure, pr.t, now - start_time, (x_pos, y_pos), f'{location}') time.sleep(refresh_rate) else: if stats_time != sys.maxsize: stats.append(pr.t, pr.min_precursor_covearge, pr.dep_vol, pr.max_T,) stats.get_growth_rate() # stats.add_plots([('Sim.time', 'Min.precursor coverage'),('Sim.time', 'Growth rate')], position=['J1','J23']) stats.save_to_file(force=True) if dump_time != sys.maxsize: dump_structure(pr.structure, pr.t, now - start_time, (x_pos, y_pos), f'{location}') if frame != sys.maxsize: rn.p.close() rn = vr.Render(pr.structure.cell_dimension) pr.redraw = True update_graphical(rn, pr, now-start_time, displayed_data, False) flag = False print('Exiting monitoring.')
[docs]def update_graphical(rn: vr.Render, pr: Process, time_spent, displayed_data='precursor', update=True): """ Update the visual representation of the current process state :param rn: visual scene object :param pr: process object :param time_step: :param time_spent: :return: """ try: if displayed_data == 'precursor': data = pr.precursor mask = pr.surface cmap = 'plasma' if displayed_data == 'deposit': data = pr.deposit mask = pr.surface cmap = 'viridis' if displayed_data == 'temperature': data = pr.temp mask = pr.deposit < 0 cmap = 'inferno' if displayed_data == 'surface_temperature': data = pr.surface_temp mask = pr.surface cmap = 'inferno' # data = pr.temp redrawed = pr.redraw if pr.redraw: try: # Clearing scene rn.y_pos = 5 try: rn.p.button_widgets.clear() except: pass rn.p.clear() # Putting an arrow to indicate beam position start = np.array([0, 0, 100]).reshape(1, 3) # position of the center of the arrow end = np.array([0, 0, -100]).reshape(1, 3) # direction and resulting size rn.arrow = rn.p.add_arrows(start, end, color='tomato') rn.arrow.SetPosition(x_pos, y_pos, (pr.max_z) * pr.cell_dimension + 10) # relative to the initial position # Plotting data rn._add_3Darray(data, opacity=1, scalar_name=displayed_data, button_name=displayed_data, show_edges=True, cmap=cmap) scalar = rn.p.mesh.active_scalars_name rn.p.mesh[scalar] = data.reshape(-1) rn.update_mask(mask) rn.p.add_text('.', position='upper_left', font_size=12, name='time') rn.p.add_text('.', position='upper_right', font_size=12, name='stats'), cam_pos=[(206.34055818793468, 197.6510638707941, 100.47106597548205), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-0.23307751464125356, -0.236197909312718, 0.9433373838690787)]) except Exception as e: print('An error occurred while redrawing the scene.') print(e.args) pass rn.meshes_count += 1 pr.redraw = False # Changing arrow position x, y, z = rn.arrow.GetPosition() z_pos = pr.deposit[:, int(y_pos/pr.cell_dimension), int(x_pos/pr.cell_dimension)].nonzero()[0].max() * pr.cell_dimension if z_pos != z or y_pos != y or x_pos != x: rn.arrow.SetPosition(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos+30) # relative to the initial position # Calculating values to indicate pr.n_filled_cells.append(pr.filled_cells) i = len(pr.n_filled_cells) - 1 time_real = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time_spent))) speed = pr.t / time_spent height = (pr.max_z - pr.substrate_height) * pr.structure.cell_dimension total_V = int(pr.dep_vol) delta_t = pr.t-pr.t_prev delta_V = total_V-pr.vol_prev if delta_t == 0 or delta_V == 0: growth_rate = pr.growth_rate else: growth_rate = delta_V / delta_t growth_rate = int(growth_rate) pr.growth_rate = growth_rate pr.t_prev += delta_t pr.vol_prev = total_V max_T = pr.temp.max() # Updating displayed text rn.p.actors['time'].SetText(2, f'Time: {time_real} \n' # showing real time passed f'Sim. time: {(pr.t):.8f} s \n' # showing simulation time passed f'Speed: {speed:.8f} \n' f'Av. growth rate: {growth_rate} nm^3/s \n' f'Max. temperature: {max_T:.3f} K') rn.p.actors['stats'].SetText(3, f'Cells: {pr.n_filled_cells[i]} \n' # showing total number of deposited cells f'Height: {height} nm \n' f'Volume: {total_V:.0f} nm^3') # Updating scene rn.update_mask(mask) try: min = data[data > 0.00001].min() except: min = 1e-8 rn.p.update_scalar_bar_range(clim=[min, data.max()]) if update: rn.update() except Exception as e: warnings.warn(f"Failed to redraw the scene.\n" f"{e.args}") pr.redraw = True redrawed = False return redrawed
[docs]def dump_structure(structure: Structure, sim_t=None, t=None, beam_position=None, filename='FEBID_result'): vr.save_deposited_structure(structure, sim_t, t, beam_position, filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': print(f'##################### FEBID Simulator ###################### \n') print('Please use `python -m febid` for launching')